Welcome to the GBL Marketplace
Welcome to the
GBL Marketplace

Thank you Green Bee Life for the honor to host and for always covering what matters most in our industry.
Doreen Sullivan
My Bud Vase, Founder & CEO
The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.
Willie Nelson
Thanks to Green Bee Life for rocking change and giving enthusiasts a platform to be heard.
Jacqueline Epcar
Weedhead, Founder - Musician
Special thanks to Green Bee Life our media sponsor! All of our classes with THC Design will be available online made possible through Green Bee Life TV!
Maha Haq
UCLA CannaClub, Co-Founder
Green Bee Life has set itself apart as a leader in digital hemp education.
Mayra Delgado
PifCalifornia, Co-Founder
Green Bee Life is the most unique Lifestyle Brand. Their innovative products are an expression of the healthy modern cannabis lifestyle - Bold, Elegant, Pioneering!
John Verniero
Integra Connect, President